spillwords.com Begin To Heal by Anne G

Begin To Heal

Begin To Heal

Written by: Anne G

@The InkTruth


Insistent thought

beset my brain

lucid and clear

as in a dream.

What if I could

begin to heal

our country’s deep

and open wounds?

The pain of hunger

and neglect

abuse, rejection

gross misdeeds.

The young and old

the weak, in need

with love, compassion

and good deeds.

A daunting task

I did perceive

it would entail

a lot indeed.

I asked myself

what can I do

to make a change

I’m only one.

No more excuses

said I to me

begin, dig in

others will follow.

Forge on, be strong

then make the case

the nation’s seed

must be protected.

By lifting up

all those forsaken

ignored, deserted

and forgotten.

We are restored

to human status

repeopled, freed

you will agree.

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