Dawn, written by Heath Brougher at Spillwords.com



written by: Heath Brougher


Good (motionless bodies along the path to Baghdad,
violent religious uprisings, daily bombings, African children skin and bones,
nuclear warheads armed and at the ready, toxic waste leaking into the Pacific,
a healthcare system where one accident will send you straight to the poorhouse,
the skeletal shambles of the economy, melting polar ice caps, the terrorist News stations,
various diseases one mutation away from becoming a pandemic, politicians spouting
nothing resembling the truth, assault rifles in the hands of maniacs, fracking next door,
flammable tap water, China rising, trans fats and obesity,
hospitals full of infected lymph nodes, a prison of toxic food and pills,
this spurious democracy, and that atrocious possible truth in the back of your head
that keeps telling you there just may be no light at the end of that tunnel) morning.

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