Grey Hair written by theRavensproctor at

Grey Hair

Grey Hair

written by: theRavensproctor


Grey hair, shallow moving tides for eyes
Waves crashing against skin
Hands holding, fingers knotted
You can’t save me, I’ve already drowned
What could I say
Salt water at my wounds
Love, oh love, is ripples
Is current pulling
Is giving everything, the last breath
And accepting it’s over,
it’s a mirage of safety
I don’t believe in love
Sorry, grey strands
you can’t save me
Is it worth emotions imploding
Forsaken pieces
we can never get back
Permanence, be wedded
Do we settle in lives
And frighten from spontaneity
Maybe you got stuck
So maybe I failed at saving you
And as we lay here, water around us
We’ll die in our simple lives
In our promised things
Yearning for what ifs

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