Dr. Aparna Ajith is an academician and a creative writer who dabbles in the world of prose and verse. She was awarded Ph.D. in English from Central University of Rajasthan. Her area of specialization is Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. Her interest lies in Creative Writing, Gender, Diaspora, Film, and Culture Studies. Being a freelance journalist, she translates and writes articles for the Information and Public Relations Department, Government of Kerala. She has presented papers at various national and international conferences. She has published articles in journals and edited anthologies of national and international repute. Her creative pieces have found space in ezines and blogs. She was awarded Panorama Global Youth Literary Award 2020. Her maiden anthology of poems entitled 'Musings of Venus' was published recently. She enjoys sailing through the exhilarating and exhausting moments with her darling baby, Anvik Sujeeth who gives life to many of her poetic scribblings. Having lived in three Indian cities and a hamlet, she soars high in the sky of artistic imagination wielding out of her realistic and diasporic impressions.