My name is Lisa Rivers Kiesling and I reside in Klamath Falls Oregon with my husband. I am the owner of Maggie May Creations and Gift Baskets and I am the sales and marketing director of RePurpos-ity, which is the repurposing and upcycling furniture store, owned by my husband Michael and I. I am a champion for any program that sets out to preserve the dignity of any human being, allowing all to feel the safety and comfort of having a home, regardless of your situation or background. Stabilizing mankind one man, one woman, one family at a time. My love for storytelling didn't come to fruition until later in life for me. I needed to first have the freedom to express myself and then the courage to believe in myself. I hope that my stories, my art, my life can be an inspiration to just one person. That is what I write for, what I paint for, and what I hope for.