Spotlight On Writers - R. Bremner, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – R. Bremner

Spotlight On Writers

R. Bremner


  1. Where, do you hail from?

Born in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

In Northern New Jersey, there is an incredible amount of exceptionally talented poets, writers, and musicians, and I am lucky enough to be able to call many of them friends. Also, I’m close to Manhattan and Brooklyn, where there can also be found a great mix of creative and talented people. Plus, anyplace that my beautiful wife and son live must be a terrific place.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

Music, for one thing. Much of my inspiration comes from old and new music that I happen to hear. I even like to scrounge around in published playlists from different types of music channel, picking out words from here and there to use in poems. In fact, 90% of the poetry in my book Absurd is made up totally of words and phrases from music playlists. Another source of inspiration is the poetry I hear at readings in New Jersey, Manhattan, and Brooklyn. I have written a great number of poems right at readings.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

That’s the hardest question you have asked. My favorite words change from moment to moment. For now, I’ll say erasure because I just completed a chapbook of erasure poems.

Here is “erasure” in an Absurdist poem from my book Absurd:

Dr. Dog, a monumental criminal, experienced total body erasure in the desert when he was driving alone past roadwork at night.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

Although I have strong opinions, I don’t like people forcing their political and religious opinions on me. 

  1. What defines R. Bremner?

R. Bremner: wrote fiction from fifth grade, poetry from high school, born Catholic working class, became agnostic at sixteen, Catholic again at sixty, lucky with beautiful-and-smarter-than-him wife and brilliant son, a stroke survivor and liver transplant survivor, traveled the world working for Pan American World Airways, and for all his life, writing of both poetry and fiction has been an intense, driving force. And, oh yes, a vegetarian.

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This publication is part 193 of 416 in the series Spotlight On Writers