Battle Scars Caro Henry·July 2, 2024Battle Scars written by: Caro Henry The hands of war tighten their grip, a symphony of horror...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Outside the Gates Ernest Federspiel·June 21, 2024Outside the Gates written by: Ernest Federspiel Don’t you see the world is changing, it’s no longer...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Patience, Ramu, Patience Prashila Naik·June 19, 2024Patience, Ramu, Patience written by: Prashila Naik - Ramu liked his job. He liked the steady predictability it brought along...LiteratureEnglish·6 mins read
Ready, Set, Go R.C. Morgan·April 23, 2024Ready, Set, Go written by: R.C. Morgan A puff of smoke, a sharp trill from the whistle,...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·11 mins read
Fault Lines Ruchi Srivastava·April 22, 2024Fault Lines written by: Ruchi Srivastava Fault Lines cause rifts and shifts pulling apart or collisions Fault...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Inescapable Redundancy of War Mark Scheel·April 17, 2024The Inescapable Redundancy of War written by: Mark Scheel It was an unthinkable gambit I along with...LiteratureEnglish·5 mins read
When I Lift The Lid Paul Vincent Cannon·February 19, 2024When I Lift The Lid written by: Paul Vincent Cannon @pvcannon I have been putting this off,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Le Cœur Ne Bat Plus Bhavya Prabhakar·February 11, 2024Le Cœur Ne Bat Plus written by: Bhavya Prabhakar Le cœur ne bat plus, Il devient tellement...FrenchInternationalPoetry·1 min read
Poor Alec Steven Elvy·January 21, 2024Poor Alec written by: Steven Elvy @steveelvy2 The job was done, he’d fitted the new blinds in...EnglishLiteratureFeatured Post·25 mins read
Proceed with Caution Sharona Reeves·November 30, 2023Proceed with Caution written by: Sharona Reeves Time passes, strength grows old; The impression fades, the verve...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Security in Trust Andy Cooper·October 2, 2023Security in Trust written by: Andy Cooper @AC0040 As Sandra shook the oak tree, my suspicion descended...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Blossom Mark Patterson·September 8, 2023Blossom written by: Mark Patterson ‘ Blossom jumped from rock to rock across anemone-strewn ponds teeming with...LiteratureEnglish·5 mins read
The Contract Kate Figurska·August 11, 2023The Contract written by: Kate Figurska @FigurskaKate The blood was dripping from the knife The dread in...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
As Our World Turns Sharona Reeves·August 7, 2023As Our World Turns written by: Sharona Reeves Watching life through filtered eyes Never knowing, walking on...PoetryEnglish·1 min read