The Winter of My Brothers, poetry by Huntersjames at

The Winter of My Brothers

The Winter of My Brothers

written by: huntersjames



When one in the forest falls
Taller than all the others
My sweet Indian friend it calls
He knows and stops his daily chores

Watching as the first ice forms
Transforming magically the structure of the lake
Each wave in challenge, pattern unrehearsed performs
With fingers each unique sculpting ice for Winter’s sake

Whistling through her jawbones
Lips peeled back in fierceness bared
In frenzied rage she looses all her nature’s drones
The season’s end emphatically declared

Roaring through the gray forbidding sky
God’s enormous strength to show
Merciless even to these old growth pines so high
That day a wind was stronger than any we would know

A lone osprey circled us intent on her survival
Wings spread rapting greeting the wind her friend
She cruised the lift off our icy gale
Till with her catch she left us to our end

Fat cocky jays their morning they declare
Shake proud their crest of jagged blues
As plumes announcing in the sky they dare
While distant fires prove their work renews

One of a kind he was white and ruddy blushing
A voice for song his was special made
Smile extended wide as if to shake, not touching
Secrets countless, his life was on parade

Red and sturdy round and rough
Proud his Irish charmed that day
Each story fanned his gift for bluff
Pouring out his mind, the bourbon has its way

Weaving tale and heart that night
We sip together, share our fire
Tipping soldiers, they all fall down
Riding far our stories gallup till we tire

We sleep detached alone, we think we choose
In spite our fates reveal our perfect constellation glows
Weep with me my brothers as I weep for you
Weep for me my brothers as I weep with you.

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