It’s a Strange Strange Road
It’s a Strange Strange Road written by: John Fulstone It’s a strange, strange road we live on...
Whether or not I’m a decent author is yet to be determined so I’ll leave the fiction to my art. I’ve written some poems, as well as a few short stories, one of which is published in an obscure anthology. I’ve been working on a novella for the past five years that I hope to have published in the coming months. As for my bona fides, I'm a retired old man who’s lived a long fruitful life I have family I'm very proud of. I’ve navigated around the world three times and driven more than a million and a half miles over the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. At age fourteen I even hopped a freight train in Bloomington California and rode it all the way to Lordsburg, New Mexico. Should you identify me as a writer, like most I’m not the greatest at anything and probably the last person on earth you’d want to converse with if we met on the street. That being said, I hope what I write is done well, revealing, diverse in interest, unique, well received, and hopefully something a little better than most. You be the judge.