Black Butterfly
Black Butterfly written by: Lorna Jackie Wilson @butterflylornaj The gray steps of a wood frame home, the...
LORNA JACKIE WILSON is an author from Detroit, Michigan. She has an affinity for lyrical poetry, spoken-word, and courageous conversations that speak to conditions in foster care. She has lived in Michigan most of her life outside of enlistment in the United States Army. She has four beautiful children who support her writing and encourage its continuance. Lorna says, "My family is such an inspiration to me in all of my endeavors and I sincerely appreciate and love them dearly." Lorna's journey continues as she gives back by speaking about foster care experiences and overcoming obstacles. She retired from public education in 2019 and is the founder and owner of Black Butterfly Books LLC. She holds master's degrees in Business Education and Information Technology and often utilizes graphic design to bring her writings to life. Lorna says, "But more importantly, I find myself in awe, as I watch God organize my thoughts and convey those things that I could never do alone. My prayer is to inspire someone, in some way, in an area where they need it most."