Milo’s Safe
Milo's Safe written by: Maria Lorenzana - “Fight! Fight! Fight!” shouted the gathered grade schoolers. Like Roman citizens...
Maria Lorenzana is a Guatemalan born Chicagoan currently residing in Santa Monica, CA. As an Emmy nominated Costume Supervisor, she earns her Duckets in the Entertainment industry. The writing bug began several years into this career when she felt the unrelenting need to write a screenplay about her grandfather. That screenplay earned her a “Best Short Screenplay” award in 2016. Maria went on to write several feature screenplays. A desire to take advantage of the down time during the pandemic to improve her skills led to the exploration of on-line creative writing courses. There she found a community of talented writers that encouraged her to develop her fiction writing, which is her focus these days. That is not to say that the screenplays are a thing of the past. Maria is a firm believer that all experiences come together at some point. Currently she is working on two novels, a non-fiction piece, and several short stories.