Being told her imaginative brain would get her in trouble, Zuzanna started writing to help preserve the sanity of her closest friends and family at age 10. She grew up in a boring city in the center of Poland, so she was forced to add colors and shapes to the place she came from by locking her experiences in stories. When she got praised by a professor who didn’t really like her (and the feeling was mutual) for a poem she wrote for his class, she realized her ideas could shift the dynamics between people. Later, when she began studying International Relations, she noticed that in her scientific papers, she would always smuggle bits of empathy, the findings of her meticulous observations of people around her. She wishes to write a more interesting bio for herself one day, one that gives titles to her feelings and stories she experienced in her life. For now, she works with people, enjoys walks with her dog, and scribbles in her notebooks each time she has a mundane revelation.