Moles, a haibun by Jerome Berglund at



written by: Jerome Berglund



The woman in the chair she has once known somewhat. It is hard to see their resemblance now, what with the decay, that rotten flesh gradually coming unstuck, peeling and flaking off her bones to reveal gaps and frayed tendons, but there has been a time the animated corpse and its dutiful daughter were strikingly congruent of features. It disturbs and irritates Violet to see this vision of her future, grasping that such an outcome is eventually fated for her as well too, in good time, and this is the end destination toward which the young lady must eventually progress, presently is on a path toward one day becoming. The revenant snarls and snaps, gnashing what few teeth persevere in its black gums, with a frightfully resounding clacking, strains against those bonds which hold her, but the duct tape remains fastened.

gives them little water
when thinks of it
splash of milk

Violet has determined an effective regimen and program of replacing the dressing sporadically, institutes it formally and immediately upon discerning contraction, is in regular practice of monitoring and applying for some few uncomfortable weeks now. Her friends and relations unabashedly make it known they consider the bereaved quite daft for doing so, refuse to enter her flat until something is done about its hazardous captive. But thus far she appears unable to summon the requisite courage to take any further decisive action in the interest of resolving the situation. Several alternative options are available to her currently, but none seem especially tempting. Violet could dispose of the infected sufferer via her own devices, telephone the health department to get the offending blight removed from her domicile, quit the residence and seal its occupant in to waste away unwitnessed, secluded by its lonesome. These measures and outcomes are the most popular and standardized in their society since the sickness appeared and ran rampant across western civilization. But they all fall short somehow, feel so cruel, disrespectful, impersonal. Violet’s own unique solution is certainly unconventional, messy, imperfect, admittedly highly discouraged by prevailing authorities too, but while it continues to be her sacrosanct prerogative according to established statutes, she is at liberty to exercise discretion as she wills, for now. The progeny stares at what remains of her decomposed mum and shudders. That hideous, mad, bloodthirsty creature glares back from its easy chair with dark, cloudy eyes, issuing a low, guttural growl. What to do?

spring chicken’s
plucking… better to be
in poor taste

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