Rocky Road, flash fiction by Doug Bartlett at

Rocky Road

Rocky Road

written by: Doug Bartlett


What an adventure I have had! I have been on this road for some time now, much longer than half of my lifetime. At times it was very challenging and almost overwhelming, but it was never boring. I had decided that I would never leave this road. You see, I knew that it was the only path that would end up taking me to my Father.

Sometimes I felt like one of the Beatles because it could be a long and winding road. At other times it felt like a roller coaster, ascending to marvelous peaks of exhilaration and then plummeting into vallies of despair. But I knew as long as I stayed on this road that everything would be for the best.

At times I would feel lonely on this road but somehow at the same time I knew that I was never alone.

Most of the time I could only see short sections of the road at one time as it would take a bend or it would rise along a hill that you couldn’t see over or it would disappear into a fog bank.

No one made me stay on this road. I was free to abandon it whenever I wanted to. I could turn around at any time or even step off it.

However, once in a while I would look off to the side of the road and I would be tempted to leave where I was because it seemed so much easier and shorter off to the side. However, there was something deep down inside of me that told me that would be a mistake and it would be much better to remain where I was, so I continued to stay on the same path. It’s been a real joy for me to have taken this path and sometimes very interesting things have happened, which ends up putting a silly grin on my face.

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