12 Days of Christmas
An enchanting series, featuring an array of authors and literary works that embrace the Christmas Holiday and the sheer joy of this festive season. Within each piece, you will uncover the magic of Christmas traditions and all the reasons that make it the most wonderful time of the year.
13 Days of Halloween
A series, showcasing authors and their diverse literary creations, capturing the true spirit of Halloween. Whether it’s Trick or Treating, exploring ghosts, goblins, black cats, or unraveling superstitions, this compilation promises to both send shivers down your spine and entertain you.
When the unthinkable happens, it touches the survivors of a suicide in countless ways. The loss of a son and brother to suicide is devastating from all sides, reaching far and deep. Answers, clues, reasons, fear, and overwhelming loss leave hope seemingly evaporated. Yet, day-to-day life continues, and love mixed with a dash of humor can still exist despite the horror. A glimpse into that world and openly talking about it can make a difference. “Talking” tempers the bouleversant drama.
Haunted Holidays
A unique limited series, showcasing diverse authors and literary works that delve into the enigmatic and darker aspects of the winter holidays, where Krampus lurks in the shadows and mischievous Yule Lads come out to play.
Heart Strings
The Heart Strings series by PMMurphy describes the heartache of losing a close relationship, and the struggles of finding a new one. This is one man’s way of viewing the romantic side of life and the things he thinks about it.
Locust Hill
Locust Hitailll des the struggles of an independent, small acreage farm family, that of Jim and Cassandra Russell, in the Mid-Ohio Valley region of West Virginia. With Cassandra as the narrator the novel relates Cassandra’s discovery of a world just outside her hometown that she never expected – a somewhat quaint rural village where people survive and maintain their community by helping one another. During their life together, Cassandra learns that her husband is the very embodiment of this spirit.
London Haiku Project
The London Haiku Project is a collaborative venture that depicts micro-moments of city life in haiku form. With the abundance of creative launch-pads that London provides (the landmarks, the people, the places) the project seeks to exhibit the interactions that go on all around us that we often miss. With contributors from all over the world, the LHP is incrementally building up a unique picture of London, made by the many, mini brushstrokes of micropoetry and the Haiku form.
My Brooklyn
Presented by a Brooklyn girl, born and bred, My Brooklyn, lives and breathes in each and every childhood memory and all her girlhood dreams. A section that’s near and dear to her heart. This body of work is a celebration of Brooklyn; past, present and future.
On Poetry and Fiction
Poetry and Fiction start from just “one word”; which then becomes one idea, one sentence, one poem or one story. This series is part of a Literary Collection, which encompasses the beauty of Poetry and the make-believe world of Fiction through the magic of words. Poetry will explore the mysteries of love and life through rhyme and free verse, while Fiction will actually take you there, and place you in the middle of the action, along with the characters.
The view of adventures at sea, that may be planned or happen by poor judgement, and lack of fear – to life as it unfolds. As within and without our grasp. His passage has known tragedy, under-pinned by deep loss, and great joy. His wake breaks by surviving cancer, a bout of blindness, loss of a child; yet cuts the surf of fulfillment. Joy with a love affair of nudging fifty years, and a daughter and family, to share their dreams and
new horizons. These poems partner a life at sea to a life as lived.
Robyn Finds Poetry
Robyn Finds Poetry is a collection of haiku, found poetry created by Robyn MacKinnon, using the statuses of her Facebook friends, along with some cartoons she made to go with them.
Saying Goodbye
A woman battled cancer 5 times over 20 years, finally succumbing in April ’18. Her husband of 50 years, a writer, wrote the “Saying Goodbye” collection to cope as the final ordeal began, and through the year of grief since. Veterans of the cancer world, they knew this one was fatal as soon as they heard “non-small-cell lung cancer, Stage IV”. He’s making these public to share a grief journey that is all-too common, for any comfort it may offer.
Spotlight On Writers
A series, consisting of short interviews with Spillwords writers, where you’ll get a closer look at their creative persona as well as some personal insights into their lives.
Tanka Collection
Dendra D.M. evolves Classic Japanese Tanka poetry through an introspective approach. Emotions and love are abound in this series of 5 line poems.
The Eleventh Tome
Imagine a place where religion and magic are outlawed, replaced by an obsession with the written word. The population of a kingdom, illiterate, except for an army of sages recording the day-to-day happenings. Truth Keepers police the cities and townships, also guarding the western border.
Voices on Skin
Throughout this series Beth Tremaglio’s desire is to take you, the reader, on a journey as an economy declines. A personal glimpse, and a very intimate look into the heartache and loss, of losing everything one has worked for. Her aim, to convey intimate emotions of real people struggling with life’s challenges.
When Olivia met K
Do you ever really know your lover? The life and loves of a formidable woman of magnetic allure and her enduring lover.
Words of Seduction
Words of Seduction is a series of poems inspired by the feminine form and written to celebrate the strength and beauty that lie within each and every woman.