To The Holy Sky Tajalla Qureshi·February 1, 2025To The Holy Sky written by: Tajalla Qureshi A cluster of white fleecy clouds Encircle the flashes...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Dream Spillwords·January 26, 2025A Dream a poem by: Robert Burns Guid-Mornin’ to our Majesty! May Heaven augment your blisses On...EnglishPoetryLiterary Greats·2 mins read
Fatalism at 30,000 Feet Stephen Joffe·January 21, 2025Fatalism at 30,000 Feet written by: Stephen Joffe @stevie_joffe see it now bare- through the cracks of...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Face That Launch’d A Thousand Ships Spillwords·January 19, 2025The Face That Launch’d A Thousand Ships a poem by: Christopher Marlowe Was this the face that...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
Composed Stephen Kingsnorth·December 26, 2024Composed written by: Stephen Kingsnorth How moving must a poem be, to be the choice, vox populi,...PoetryChristmasEnglish·1 min read
A Heavenly Peace Jenny Morelli·December 21, 2024A Heavenly Peace written by: Jenny Morelli @JennyMo31725980 Her voice was angelic as she hummed through holiday...ChristmasEnglishPoetry·1 min read
Holly, Jolly Christmas To You! Thaddeus Hutyra·December 16, 2024Holly, Jolly Christmas to You! written by: Thaddeus Hutyra @teddy9999 Holly Christmas is coming, I am so...PoetryChristmasEnglish·1 min read
A Christmas Carol Spillwords·December 1, 2024A Christmas Carol a poem by: Christina Rossetti In the bleak mid-winter Frosty wind made moan, Earth...EnglishPoetryLiterary Greats·1 min read
White Stallion Grażyna Misiaszek·October 13, 2024White Stallion written by: Grażyna Misiaszek translated by: Thaddeus Hutyra - Gallop, my white horse through the flowery fields...PoetryPolishEnglishInternational·1 min read
Grandchildren of the Sun Michael Zeller·October 7, 2024Grandchildren of the Sun written by: Michael Zeller @Zell_man Our sun in heaven’s arc is still He...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Hope Henry Vinicio Valerio Madriz·October 3, 2024Hope written by: Henry Vinicio Valerio Madriz So many times we fall into despair for no factual...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Healing, Ointment and Faith Ger White·September 20, 2024Healing, Ointment and Faith written by: Ger White Twas a summer’s day not unlike any other The...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Smiling Among Inert Shipwrecks Eric Robert Nolan·August 17, 2024Smiling Among Inert Shipwrecks written by: Eric Robert Nolan For Robert and Kathleen Nolan Oh, to...PoetryFeatured PostEnglish·1 min read
Glory Maciej Pająk·August 11, 2024Glory written by: Maciej Pająk (Matthew) Is my glory so important? Golden crown and crowd so grey...PoetryEnglish·1 min read