White Stallion Grażyna Misiaszek·October 13, 2024White Stallion written by: Grażyna Misiaszek translated by: Thaddeus Hutyra - Gallop, my white horse through the flowery fields...PoetryPolishEnglishInternational·1 min read
Eden Salem Sparkles·September 23, 2024Eden written by: Salem Sparkles “Reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher. Grow...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Darkness in Daylight Derik Fettig·August 18, 2024Darkness in Daylight written by: Derik Fettig - Levi hesitated in the hallway outside a pair of large wooden doors...EnglishFeatured PostLiterature·14 mins read
Little Moon Girl Theodora Oniceanu·July 29, 2024Little Moon Girl written by: Theodora Oniceanu @YumeAkira Little moon girl, You stole my heart from the...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Ruby Grace Y. Estevez·July 20, 2024Ruby written by: Grace Y. Estevez @GraceoftheSun1 A little girl got her first shoes, opened the bag...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Garden of Love Jeff Flaig·July 11, 2024Garden of Love written by: Jeff Flaig Flowers float above and hang below stems with colors delicate...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Patience, Ramu, Patience Prashila Naik·June 19, 2024Patience, Ramu, Patience written by: Prashila Naik - Ramu liked his job. He liked the steady predictability it brought along...LiteratureEnglish·6 mins read
The Ballad of Jon and Jane Stephen Cook·June 8, 2024The Ballad of Jon and Jane written by: Stephen Cook They met one day in mid summer...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Surrounded Michael Natt·May 21, 2024Surrounded written by: Michael Natt - You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You...LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
Inside of Me are Multiple Stanzas Fighting for your Attention Christian Ward·May 16, 2024Inside of Me are Multiple Stanzas Fighting for your Attention written by: Christian Ward The slick cormorant...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Hourglass Abagail Summers·May 4, 2024Hourglass written by: Abagail Summers Time was running out, she knew. The sun beamed through the thick...Featured PostEnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Inescapable Redundancy of War Mark Scheel·April 17, 2024The Inescapable Redundancy of War written by: Mark Scheel It was an unthinkable gambit I along with...EnglishLiterature·5 mins read
Smoked Screen Over The Border Stephen Izevbekhai·April 10, 2024Smoked Screen Over The Border written by: Stephen O. Izevbekhai @IzevbekhaiS Our hearts are a gallery of...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Dying Rose June Potter·April 5, 2024The Dying Rose written by: June Potter @coralmay06 Blowing through the stars above, she became aware of...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read