Fill out the form below to submit your literary work for consideration to be published as a part of a series called 13 Days of Halloween.
The series will run from October 19th through October 31st, and we will be featuring a different literary work everyday for 13 days.
All literary pieces should embrace Halloween, and the spirit of this holiday. They should revolve around Trick or Treating, ghosts and goblins, black cats, superstitions, or any iconic Halloween character.
We look forward to your literary treats!
Please make sure that the submission is theme specific. For all other themes please use our standard submission form. Submissions due date is 9/17/24. Maximum 2 submissions per writer.
No simultaneous submissions please
* required fields
† unpublished material will be prioritized
‡ submission form strips all formatting, the ‘Additional Comments/Note from Author’ field may be used to specify any special formatting requirements, as italics, bold, etc.
If your submission is approved you will receive a confirmation email that will provide a publishing date and a link that you can place on your blog or website to promote your published work on (Linking to us is not required but optional and much appreciated)
Please add our email address – to your Address Book/Safe Senders List to ensure proper communication delivery