Meeting of The Mindless:
Redirected (Hopefully)
written by: DaraMonifah® Cooper
When the two meet
foot to pavement
pen to paper
Thought to action
Rubber to traction
Voice to silence
end to violence
We must introduce
true soul mates made for matrimony
and separate those that were not supposed to be
Fist connecting to disconnected face
Denial from needy embrace
Hateful hands chucking walking-away backs
Holding the vulnerable while blocking attacks
Wild words wickedly piercing wombs
Blood-stained floor bricks tainting innocently walking brooms
Bullets breaking bones
Harassment hacking phones
Tempers coloring tones
Laughter diminishing painful moans
Fake mind tricks turning around real thoughts
to Doubts
Repeated clouts
To the psyche
Shiny Smiles, carefully committing rapes
Notarized Nooses, unraveling into celebrated capes
Fear replacing faith
When the two meet
May we remind them who they were meant to be
Uniting for the reciting of purposeful PEACEful poetry
Stepping down the aisle into sacred village halls of sorrow unsung
Community keys locking them into freedom
Their words combined should only create healing songs
Like a sharply spoken chill out; or heavy hands laying a light calming heat
Because we all know
These two words were never meant to meet
Domestic violence is an oxymoron
- Meeting of The Mindless - March 5, 2021