Another Raven, a poem by MikeyDred at

Another Raven

written by: MikeyDred


I took a gothic book of stories, full of pages black and white
I turned the first sheet and fell into a world of darkness and more
Is this a nightmare journey or would I find a revelation
And then a tap, tap, tap. Someone unknown is knocking at my door
And still a tap, tap, tap at my window not my dark stained oak door
Deathly silence Nothing More

Twas The Raven came tap, tap tapping and now was at my shoulder
The Raven told me to read and read from the heavy dark grimoire
My mind was in a whirl as I sat in my dark room downed by gloom
I had lost my beloved, my beautiful friend, my Love Eleanor
I longed for her touch, her love, I miss my wonderful Eleanor
Sorrow For Me Evermore

The Raven told me “Turn the page” and see the tale that would unfold
Annabelle Lee, loved so much that angels’ hearts were jealous and more
Then the seraphim struck her down and took her from her lover’s arms
He had his Annabelle Lee and I had my Lady Eleanor
The Raven bleeds my heart. I weep thinking will I see my Eleanor?
The Raven caws “Nevermore”

“Turn again the page one more time” into a dream within a dream
And I watch the golden sand flow through the hourglass just like before
Like life flowing through our fingers, that can never be touched again
The Raven taps my shoulder again, and I think of Eleanor
I dream of what once was and my mind sees wonderful Eleanor
My hurt will be Evermore

Then The Raven tapped the bell, turned the page to where The Bells would toll
The Bells would ring loud and then be struck with a funereal sound
The sound of The Bells now fills my head, I think I may be insane
I still try to recall holding my love, My Lady Eleanor
But The Ringing Bells drive away my visions of My Eleanor
The Raven caws “Nevermore”

I sit in darkness, dark wings close by, there is a dark beak tapping
The Raven says to France we must go, turn the page, open the door
There have been Murders in The Rue Morgue, A Bestial Trail of Blood
The stains of these crimes are seen by all watchers on the cold stone floor
But we are not sure who or what left these red blood marks on our floor
The Stains are here Evermore

You take me to Prospero in his abbey to escape the plague
Raven caws, “Red Death, comes to masqued ball, an empty costume it wore”
The Masque hid death’s face from all who saw themselves safe with Prospero
I thought us safe from solitude but it has broken down our door
Alone I sit, The Raven taps we look toward the opened door
Loneliness Here Evermore

The Raven says see the shadow in the gateway to El Dorado
The Pilgrim Knight has spent his life looking for the city of gold
Finding such unknown treasures that cannot be of this mortal world
Can I ever find the treasure of my life Lady Eleanor
The Raven taps and taps and tells me never Lady Eleanore
You Will See Her Nevermore

Tormentor of the Black Cat, his house burned, he was an evil man
He tried to kill another with an axe, his wife could take no more
The axe was used, he walled her up, justice was served, Black Cat still here
The Raven taps again and again, “Turn the page, and read some more”
In darkness I cannot move, cannot “Turn the page, and read some more”
The Page Will Turn Nevermore

Montresor lures Fortunato, he wishes a fatal revenge
Fortunato chained in the cellar, walled in a room with no door
Fifty years later Montresor states “In Pace Requiescat”
The Raven says I am chained to your chair waiting for Eleanor
It is a truth I will never move waiting for My Eleanor
Wait In Silence Evermore

The Raven pulls me into the Deep Swirling Violent Maelstrom
I was a young man but now I am aged, that’s where I lost my youth
Unable to resist, pulled down by the vortex my life force drained
I try to rise, The Raven caws, I need to reach my study door
I’m pushed back, I am chained, The Raven says “Ne’er will you reach the door”
Chained, Unmoving Evermore

The Raven at the window tapping inside the rain is outside
In darkness, not a candle, no not even moonlight anymore
No light in my life, The Raven tapping and talking words of fate
My mind is spinning, my fading eyes now are fixed on the far door
To lose my chains, escape my Raven, and walk toward that far door
The Raven caws “Nevermore”

Becoming unconscious will they think that my life has now left me
In a case of wood where I may wake and be trapped under the floor?
My mind screams I know this will happen scratching my bloodied fingers
The Raven says that this is my fate to never breathe anymore
Unmoving I see the wooden lid I cannot breathe anymore
Breath is Gone For Evermore

To see the oval portrait, a beauty born of his obsession
To paint his loving wife, capture her life on canvas forevermore
His painting is the only driver in the small castle turret
To his horror, his wife was gone, just like My Lady Eleanor
The storm hits, I awake alone without the Lady Eleanor
I Will Hold Her Nevermore

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This publication is part 104 of 105 in the series 13 Days of Halloween