Agnieszka Wiktorowska-Chmielewska – poet, playwright, editor, finished Literary and Art postgraduate studies held in the department of Polish studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
The author of Poemik “and here, and here” awarded in the competition organised by the City of Krakow on a book poetic's debut in 2014. The book was also nominated to the Golden Point of Poetry Prize in 2015. And author “Szczęściodoły” and “Troika”. Published in collective works, as well as in literary magazines like: Lamelii, Kozirynek, Migotania, Nowa Okolica Poetów, Tygiel Kultury, sZAFa, Wyspa, Inter, Kwartalnik Artystyczny, Cegła, Gazeta Kulturalna, ArtPapier, Dialog, Afront, Gazeta Bieszczadzka, FUSS, Helikopter, bregArt and others.
She writes radio-plays, songs and arts for children. Audio books which she is author (14 episodes) "The history of children" are available on 'Historia dla Dzieci'.