Ayvan has experienced life as a Lesbian who raised a biracial daughter on her own from the age of sixteen. She has worked in a variety of fields from gardening to bookkeeping and, after a stint of living in ashrams and devoting herself to studying Hindu philosophies, she recently returned to college to finish a BA in Philosophy. As a student at Gallaudet University, Ayvan focused on ethics and did extensive research on the impacts of biotechnologies on the Deaf community. Her interest was motivated by a desire to work as an ally for marginalized people as well as the conviction that moving forward with biotechnology should be done with extreme care to protect the delicate ecological balance of life on this planet. Ayvan was born in Arizona and has lived in Texas, New Mexico, Illinois, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and currently lives in Washington, DC. She has been mostly unemployed since Covid hit and has spent her time learning languages with Duo Lingo, playing PlayStation games, practicing meditation, doing yoga, playing tabla, perfecting vegan sauces, and learning to sew masks. She has recently set up a blog with the intention of using fiction as a medium to continue to explore and address issues close to her heart, which are many.