Spotlight On Writers - Deryn Graham, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Deryn Graham

Spotlight On Writers

Deryn Graham



  1. Where do you originate from?

I was born and bred in Manchester, UK, but left at 18 to go to university and never returned except for visits to my family, all of whom are still there. I was pretty itinerant for a number of years, moving around and working in the travel sector, but eventually at 30 settled in London which became a second home city.

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

I now call South Africa home – Johannesburg specifically – where I have lived for 30 years. It’s the city in which I raised my children and so I cherish those memories of the parks, zoo and duckponds where we spent so much time. I also cherish the rich diversity of this complex city with its melting pot of cultures and influences, I love the city’s energy, its pace, and the resourcefulness of its inhabitants who have been forced to find innovative ways to manage failing infrastructure and poor municipal services. It’s a city to cherish, warts and all!

  1. What ignites your creativity?

The richness of language and putting words together to make beautiful sentences is my creative driver. My prompts for a piece are always words or phrases and rarely visual images, then I go and build on those to create a narrative. I love mixing fact and fiction and a lot of my stories stem from something that has happened to me, or someone I have known. I imagine myself back in that situation, or hear in my head the story again as it was told to me and use that to ignite my creativity.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

For some reason, my favourite word has always been notwithstanding which is very prosaic and doesn’t really flow in a piece of poetry, so I’m not even going to try!

  1. What is your pet peeve?

I sound like a real grinch, but so many! People who dawdle drive me crazy – I am brisk and decisive so people who are slow to make their minds up are definitely a pet peeve! Also, people who aren’t punctual which has been tough living in Africa where time is perceived differently. Bad table manners, yugh. And cruelty of any description – to children, animals, or other people – just be kind!

  1. How would you describe the essence of Deryn Graham?

I am the sum of the whole of my life’s experiences – carrying something of every place I’ve lived (though the accent is still distinctly Mancunian!) I value humour and hope that friends above all would say I was funny, amusing and entertaining. I’m a bit of a people pleaser but my motivation in helping others is genuine and I hope that people recognise authenticity as at the core of my being.

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This publication is part 434 of 438 in the series Spotlight On Writers