First generation Canadian born Scottish heritage. Like everyone else Laura went to university to study something she didn’t use. Then worked as a PSW worker for 15 years. After that job Laura finally had time to work on that novel she had always meant to finish, but never had the time till now, and to move to where she had always dreamed to live, but then Corona came strolling up everyone’s sidewalks and rearranged living situations. As a part time gamer Laura never had interest in social media, but as corona gave you nothing but time, and isolation, Laura joined this and that account and came across a poetry club advertised on a Scottish website on Facebook called, Poetry & Spoken work in Scotland, teaching poetry lead by award winning poet, Kevin P Gilday. Laura had always written fight scenes as poetry whenever she struggled with writer’s block. So curiously she wanted to expose other poets to her style of poetry. They published a class book called, The Scribbler’s Union. That reached amazon top ten selling list within the first week and after that taste Laura is expanding her exposure to try to get published elsewhere. Poems about dragons aren’t everyone’s cup of coffee. I’d say tea, but I like coffee. But it’s what Laura does.