Saboteur written by: Mandy Melanson @anaskewauthor I clutch the bag to my chest as the valet reaches out....
MANDY MELANSON is Editor-in-Chief of RhetAskew Publishing and its parent company Rhetoric Askew, LLC. Prior to collaborating with her partners to establish RA, she worked as an editor and marketing director. She says, "I found myself increasingly concerned over the state of the industry and its lack of support for authors. During our discussion, we decided it was time to do something about it." Mandy is degreed in English and Psychology with certifications in editing, marketing, and brand development. She leads the Rhetoric Askew Facebook group and its associated creative development workshops with her friends and business partners, Dusty Grein and Emma T. Gitani. Her writing is featured in various anthologies and collaborations. Next up on her list of finished projects is A MOTHER'S INSTINCT, a crime fiction novel scheduled for publication in 2018. When she's not writing or working to help authors develop their craft, she spends time crime-fighting with her three favorite superheroes who just happen to call her "Mom." She says her children are her greatest blessing.