M.G. Thomas is a beginner writer, exploring literary and dystopian fiction, and fantasy. She prefers writing flash fiction and short stories. Most of her stories include some element of human rights or responsible stewardship of our planet, both of which resonated with her as a child. Her first publication, a piece of flash fiction: “Vase, fleurs et fruits,” appeared in The Potato Soup Journal and dealt with the LGBTQ community. Music inspires her writing. She finds the written word copies the texture, rhythm, and flow of a musical composition. Along with detailed and well-articulated music, different cultures – the food, dress, architecture, and language - spark her imagination. When not writing fiction, M.G. Thomas teaches piano privately. She is actively involved in the music teaching community, organizing festivals and conferences, running programs for students, and writing reports. She’s learning the violin and is a member of a local string orchestra.