Spotlight On Writers - Kelly Malleck, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Kelly Malleck

Spotlight On Writers

Kelly Malleck


  1. Where do you originate from?

I grew up in Cogan Station, Pennsylvania, USA, a small town adjacent to Williamsport. You may have heard of Williamsport because it’s the home of the Little League Baseball World Series, which was first held in 1947. Today, parking and admission are still free!

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

I cherish the abundant nature of Cogan Station. My family lived on several acres that included woods, fields, and a ‘crick,’ and they were all teeming with life. My brothers and I grew up adventuring outdoors, building forts and igloos, catching critters, sledding, and breathing fresh air – winter, spring, summer, and fall.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

Nature ignites my creativity. Sometimes, the way the sunlight dances on the water or the melodious notes of birdsong turn on my creative juices. I’m also the freak who likes to touch everything when I hike – the soft moss on a tree trunk, the smooth texture of a river rock – I take it all in and let my ideas ‘percolate’ before writing anything down.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

Pluviophile – a person who enjoys rain and rainy days

Below a dark and moody sky,
The pluviophile smiles, her umbrella wide.
She dances ’round puddles, hops over a log, and
Inhales deeply.
It’s raining cats and dogs.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

My pet peeve when I’m writing is NOISE. I can hear the TV down the hall, even with my door shut, the giggling from upstairs despite wearing headphones, and the coyotes howling in the valley below whenever I’m trying to put words on the page. Are those same noises there when I’m not writing? I have no idea!

  1. How would you describe the essence of Kelly Malleck?

I’m an optimist and an encourager. I love writing and cheering for others in their writing journey. Success is a humongous pie, and there’s enough for each of us to have a big piece.

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This publication is part 436 of 437 in the series Spotlight On Writers