The Lavender Pages
The Lavender Pages written by: Rae S. Earley (thestoryscripter) - A draft of winter found Mary’s exposed knuckles as she clenched...
Rae S. Earley –– aka thestoryscripter –– is a pivoting writer with a past in filmmaking and a future in storytelling. A graduate of Champlain College, Rae first explored editing and all the chaos of putting a story together on the big screen. Though a handful of successful film contests and generous grants, her true passion was a little more broad than just Adobe Premiere Pro. Having too many stories of her own to ignore, Rae jumps at the chance to engage in writing competitions, photography, and good old-fashioned hand-drawn illustration. Inspiration comes from doodles, media, a spur-of-the-moment eureka, and of course the frequent daydream. When Rae isn't writing, she's enjoying quiet time with her dog Saoirse, practicing for her next belt in Kempo Jujitsu, and...mingling with the characters she's created in the privacy of her own mind, where they take on their own personalities.