The author was born in London, and after about 3 years, moved to Yorkshire with his parents. Language was very important, his parents could not speak English, he was the one with responsibility of translating for them, from Punjabi to English. At a young age, the author’s parents decided to go their own way, which meant he would play truant from school, and spend most of the days walking around the local streets, getting up to no good. This eventually landed him in care, until the age of 16. As an adult, he decided that he needed a career. Having never studied or written any formal essay, with the help of his foster-parents, he gained his ‘A’ Levels, even though he failed them 3 times, resulting in applying to University, to study English Literature/Language, with Qualified Teacher Status for Primary School. Writing has always been a passion; currently, he is writing a novel; wanting to share his childhood experiences, hoping they will offer inspiration to others.