SR Inciardi was born in New York City in 1956 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York attending Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and then New York University. He attained his master’s degree in 1980. He was initially influenced by David Lehman and John Ashbery, both professors of English at Brooklyn College when he attended. He has been further influenced by Billy Collins, WS Merwin, Loise Gluck, WH Auden and others over the years. SR Inciardi has been married since 1978 and has one married adult child and four grandchildren. SR Inciardi has written three books of poetry. The third, The Aroma of Lilac is newly-released on Amazon on May 9th, 2024. The first, Coloring Outside the Edges, was released in October 2022 and the second, The Aroma of Thawing, Poems on Grief and Recovery was released in June 2023. All have been made available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other outlets in hardcover, paperback, and eBook versions.