I studied English Philology at an international university located in Lithuania and then English Literature in Sweden. Since 2009 I have been working at LCC International University teaching in the English and Communication departments. Teaching is a big part of my life, while writing IS my life. The poems I write usually reflect the pain of my childhood and adolescence. In my family we didn't really talk about our problems, so the only way for me to deal with my emotions was through the words that spilled out of me. Most of my short stories are also quite dark and they reflect the pain of abandonment and cruelty humanity is capable of. However, the longer stories I am working on now tend to focus on more positive aspects of our life. I see the struggles we all have to go through, but I believe that even the most difficult situations have something positive in them, we just have to be willing to find it. I believe in everyday magic that can be found in a smile of a stranger or the dark green color of trees. And I believe in the magic of a written word.