Víctor Parra Avellaneda (Nayarit, Mexico, 1998). Mexican biologist and writer. Recipient of the PECDA Nayarit scholarship for 2018-2019 in the short story category. First place in the Amado Nervo Short Story Contest (2020) and Honorable Mention in the Páramo de Sueños Contest (2020). He has been published in Axxón, Anapoyesis Penumbria, Marabunta, Sci FdI (UCM), Zur (UFRO), The Temz Review, Piker Press and The Pink Hydra. Author of the book "Más allá del horizonte" (Ediciones del Olvido, 2022). Member of the Chilean Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature Association (ALCIFF) and the International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (IASFA).