Have Some Pride, poetry by AL Chrestman at Spillwords.com
Brian Penny

Have Some Pride

Have Some Pride

written by: AL Chrestman



You are here on purpose for His purpose
You are not the evil one of whom they speak
You were created in His image like the rest of us
You are here to teach acceptance and strength to the weak
Of course, you are not above evil
All human beings deserve death for their trespasses
Enter Jesus Christ, Son of God the Father, Savior of the world
He hung on the cross for all, not just the ones who wear the opera glasses
Why would they tell you are headed straight for Hell?
FYI to the judgment callers, there is only one unforgiveable sin
Rejecting Jesus and His teachings of love
Are the only one way tickets to an afterlife of ruin.
You say you are better off dead
You honestly believe you should die than live with your truth?
Please, please don’t think of that darkness
Allow the rainbow to carry you through your youth
Allow the beauty of the colors to flow through your heart and mind
Allow God’s promise of the rainbow to assure you always
He loves you. He created you. He wants you to do a great work.
Even if others want to shame you. Reject their shade. You’ll be amazed!
Like water off a duck’s back, just let it all roll away
Some just love to exclaim the wrongs of others, wrong as they may be
Too bad they never look in the mirror
Or is too frightening to see their own misdeeds?
So what does Happy Pride mean to you?
Does it mean to cease existence at others’ insistence of debauchery?
Does it mean to hold your head down and wallow in self-pity?
Or does it mean to stand up straight and tall, making your happiness a priority?
Listen carefully, friends. Pride is easy in certain places
When you march with your peers and wave the rainbow flag in unity
Piece of cake to stand tall there!
It takes real pride in yourself when you face the diversity
But don’t lose heart. You can do it.
Regardless of the letter within LGBTQIA2S+ you fall
Keep this thought at the fore front of your mind.
You were perfectly placed here by the perfect Creator above all.
The Holy Word commands, “Choose this day whom you will serve,”
Like the rest, you must decide.
Will the darkness take over and you still wish yourself gone,
Or will you push through the hate and embrace the true meaning of “Happy Pride!”
Yes, it will be grueling and weeping will commence.
Some days the darkness envelopes you with the worst of all lies
Please, do not listen! Choose instead to embrace the love and dream big dreams
Because despite what they tell you! Jesus truly loves you, and so do I!



I am a Christian, and I stand in unity my LGBTQIA2S+ brothers and sisters.

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