Interview Q&A with Lauren Scott, a writer at

Interview Q&A With Lauren Scott

Interview Q&A with Lauren Scott


We offer our first and exclusive Q&A Interview with Lauren Scott, a writer whose literary works have been featured on our Spillwords pages as well as being Author of the Month of May 2023.


  1. What does it mean to be selected as Author of The Month?

I feel honored to receive this wonderful accolade, and I am grateful my family and friends took the time to vote for me. It means my writing has been acknowledged and gained valued exposure among talented authors on your esteemed, literary website.

  1. How have your friends and/or family influenced your writing?

The support I receive from family and friends continually motivates me to write. My son nudged me to start a blog years ago, which has been a wonderful platform to share my writing. These loved ones have also assisted with my books in various ways. Their love and encouragement provides the fuel for me to stay on this path of creativity.

  1. What inspires you to write?

I enjoy the challenge of wordplay, which probably stems from my enjoyment of playing Scrabble. Shaping words into phrases or sentences to express a deep emotion or to paint a picture. Many poems are inspired by my strong marriage, and then motherhood followed, which brought new emotions to the surface. I also feel a deep connection to nature, spending time outdoors, especially camping and backpacking. I find living in the wilderness with essentials tucked into a backpack to be a profound adventure.

  1. What was your writing catalyst?

As a teenager, my best friend, Melissa, and I would lay on our stomachs on the floor and write in our journals. Our feelings and giggles about the boy crushes we had turned into rhyming poems. From those early years, a bond between pen and thoughts formed, and sustained through the years. A new poem or story can develop from any aspect in life, and writing every day is as essential as brushing my teeth.

  1. Tell us a little bit about your writing process.

I rise early, and after the first cup of coffee, I sit down with a journal or my laptop and allow the words to flow. After witnessing another stunning sunrise, I feel more inspired than in the evening following a day at work. This quiet time is revered – long moments of allowing wordplay to develop a new piece of writing. I am always excited to read what has unfolded.

  1. What would you say is most fulfilling about writing?

My ultimate wish is for readers to find a nugget of understanding or realize they are not alone in living with their emotions. I love receiving positive reactions from people who have read my writing. The cornerstone of my first poetry book is romance, a light-hearted collection that readers enjoy for its wit, swoon-worthy poems, and uplifting quality. The second book followed our daughter’s diagnosis of a daunting auto-immune disease. The tone contrasts with the joy in my debut book by expressing worry and fear. A friend told me this book resonated because of chronic illness plaguing her family. To hear my words provide a level of comfort is rewarding. In my memoir, I include stories about fear and challenges, but I incorporate humor because, without laughter, life would be colorless. We all endure challenges, so when I discover that others were enlightened, motivated, or touched by my words, this is most gratifying.

  1. Does the addition of imagery help to tell your story?

Yes, visuals are a great source of inspiration. Flora and fauna and the blue sky inspire me to write about nature. I am endlessly in awe of the majestic trees and the freshwater lakes as my husband and I backpack. There is so much beauty surrounding us. But visuals can also be distressing, such as when natural disasters strike. However, all visuals proffer motivation to get those thoughts on paper and witness the unfolding.

  1. What is your favorite reading genre?

I have many favorite genres of reading. Some of my favorite poets are Mary Oliver, Billy Collins, Kaye Ryan, and Emily Dickenson. Compelling fiction with storylines that showcase characters with deep-seated emotions allows me to lose myself in the pages. Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty, and Sarah Jio are a few favorite novelists. But a gripping mystery or thriller by authors such as Sandra Brown, Ruth Ware, and David Baldacci transports me to other worlds where solving the mystery becomes engrossing. Finally, Colson Whitehead is my choice for distinguished literary fiction.

  1. What human being has inspired you the most?

It is difficult to zero in on one person. And yet, I have to say my husband because, after over three decades, he has supported me in any endeavor I choose to attempt. He lifts my spirits when they plummet and provides encouragement to try. Most importantly, he prevents me from quitting. He sees in me what I manage to overlook.

  1. What message would you have for the Spillwords Press community that voted for you?

I am so grateful for you who voted for me. To feel that my writing is accepted by you is gratification on the highest level. I can’t thank you enough for this honor and opportunity to be a part of your wonderful community of talented authors.

  1. What would you like your legacy as a writer to be?

To be remembered as a thought-provoking author who inspired others to treat life as a gift. To appreciate the little things and carve out moments to play. Take a pause in your busyness, and smell the fragrance of nature. Allow yourself to fall in love because nothing feels as delicious as that first tumble. Love yourself without worrying what others think. Face fear with verve, acknowledge your emotions, ride the wave, and move through them. Be true to yourself!

  1. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Free the laughter because humor softens the blow. Don’t let age stop you from living your reality. Age is just a number, so don’t give it power to prevent you from reaching for your dreams.

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