written by: Shaun Mellish
A brand new year with fresh intentions
But resolutions fail with excuse inventions
The endless grey of January’s mornings
Make winter moods, like creations mournings
Wishes like icicles last but for hours
As even the strong find effort just sours
The cacophony of our winter’s tale
In January makes our sanity fail
Like the haunted heartbreak of a lovers tryst
The beauty of winter should not be missed
For love can be lost to the grey decay
Lost forever from the light of the day
The pillow talk of spring is all too slight
As January wind speaks aloud all night
A love letter to myself is written
As words get frozen in my throat
The longest month, winter lasts forever
Makes thoughts as black as the clouds and weather
The bitter aftertaste of Christmas past
Makes the month of beginnings a blackness vast
Spiralling moods put the earth in stasis
Seems like a hundreds days on a thirty one day basis
Waiting for spring to paint me in your hues
Lighter nights to walk in my halcyon shoes
Alone with the wilderness of my thoughts
My madness with my conscience courts
Early buds seem sweet as honey
As January’s end looks on the money
Grey and black bring on lucid dreaming
Rainbows in my head have stories streaming
Unravelling the threads of Darwin’s theory
The night so dark make dreams turn eerie
Out in the dark lost to the fog and snow
Alone in my solitude with nowhere to go
My silence is my armour, keeps me safe in the cold
From slings and from arrows, like warriors of old
The sky’s smallest fracture, brings hope of the new
The end of the frost and the start of the dew
From embers to ashes, the winter burnt through
Sending love and forgiveness, from my heart to you
- Night of Passion - November 4, 2024
- January - June 5, 2024
- Footprints - January 7, 2024