Le mal de lui, le mal en elle
written by: Erika Le Mare
Les engueulades se perpétuent,
les colères fusent,
les accusations prospèrent.
Les portes sont verrouillées,
le ventre est noué,
les œufs sur lesquels on marche, intacts.
Les lubies prédominent,
l’optimisme patiente,
l’espoir ronge.
Les larmes épanchent,
les bleus jaunissent,
les nuits isolent.
La vie s’égrène,
la rubrique nécrologique se lit,
et nos occupations reprennent.
As an international development worker, Erika dedicates herself to improving the living conditions of underprivileged populations. Holding an M.A in international development, she specialized in education and microfinance sectors. Guinea and India have been her top places to manage projects, enjoy beautiful landscapes and cultural diversity. She also holds experience in the private industry, and got to dig into start-up environments. Living an exciting life in Berlin melting pot, she tried her hand at German. Phew, not easy. Being an adept of languages, she speaks French - her mother tongue - and fair Spanish. Desperately trying to start Arabic classes. Not sure if there's a lack of time or diligence here. Raised around the sea and the lavender fields of the South of France, she has nurtured a passion for words since her younger age. She underlined her love for Shakespeare's language by getting a B.A in English and completing a certificate in Creative Writing. She lived in 5 different countries on 3 continents and travelled in about 50 countries. She likes being close to nature, practising hatha yoga, discovering different cultures and unknown good books. She mostly writes short stories and has a soft spot for banoffee pies and lattés.
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