Stay With Me, poetry by Bilquis Fatima at

Stay With Me

Stay With Me

written by: Bilquis Fatima


Stay with me tonight.
For the stars are dazzling bright
And the moon is in its loony height,
Stay with me,
for there is a blinding light.
My heart beats in a way strange
throbbing hard to break loose.
For it is not the dark I fear
But it is the light that shears
hiding the dark within its folds.
As not acclimatized to un reined joy
I fear I may stumble and drown
in the music of the night,
that tugs at the austere core.
I see feet tapping and hands waving
Heads swaying in a dizzy way,
Arousing a tempest under my skin
Wavering my thoughts to overflow all limits.

With the cool wind playing through my locks,
wafting musk tickling my sensuous senses,
the heart, accustomed to fraught silence,
and mind, tamed to live within boundaries,
threaten to betray, to explore this life,
to get swept in the ephemeral ecstasy,
burying the conscience under piles of allures.
sinking in the delusion and grandiose of life,
are tempted to taste the forbidden
giving the devil reasons to smile.
O faith don’t leave my side,
Tonight and every night.

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