The Pasha, a poem written by Mehmet Akgönül at
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Austrian National Library

The Pasha

The Pasha

written by: Mehmet Akgönül



A hero passed through these lands
Even the peaks smell of blood from the Caucasus to Tajikistan
Enver rode his horse all the way to Central Asia with his courage
Gatling gun pierced his body but his soul was undamaged

He did not fight windmills like Don Quixote
All he wanted was to die as a free man
A hero he lived and passed, never wavering
His death caused his enemies to shiver with fear and run

All that remains is a memory of his war
And the love for his wife, the princess
Letters he wrote to her during his exile years
With flowers collected from the battlefields

The rest of Enver fits into a chest
Yet his thoughts were bigger than the maps
As son-in-law, he forced the Sultan to democracy
He gave his life for freedom and fought to the end.

Central Asia was honored by his blood flowing to the ground.
And heaven opened the doors for his soul to rise
His actions aroused the inspiration for freedom in the peoples
And they all sang the song of heroism together

‘It blooms in the Caucasus mountains. Welcome, hero Enver Pasha.
Long live with your soldiers, nation and the flag’*


*  A quote from “The Hero Enver Pasha Anthem”. Writer and composer: anonymous.

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