The Pause, poetry by Vidya Venkataramanan at
Redowana Rashid Hridy

The Pause

The Pause

written by: Vidya Venkataramanan


Riding out the waves
Of the storms of life,
My little weather beaten
Boat slips into a tired cove,
At Twilight.
Journey’s end?
I wonder?
Or further to go?

The blinding light,
Of the sun,
Blinks and
On jagged mountainsides,
That stand between me
And the light!
I figure!

I desperately hold up my hands in surrender
After a tear-jerker of a ride!
The shimmering light
Smudges the ripples,
Highlighting the shadow
That I have become!

The Master steadies
the boat,
And grasps my uplifted
“So, do you see the light
Streaming on you,
illumines you,
He demands,
Do you feel the Bliss?”

A reluctant No
Escapes my lips!

Is the light coming from you,
He prods,
Shinning on the objects
Outside of you?
Or is the light reflecting
The shadow that you think you have become?
More confusions and,
Sheepish smiles later,
The Master illumines
The matter!

Deep within you
Lies the light of
The Self,
Nothing outside
Makes any sense,
Shadows and light,
Are merely signposts
That signal irrational thoughts!

The Bliss you seek
Is the light within.
When you feel
A oneness in
A silence,
In that
Space between thoughts,
You soar on viewless wings,
Tasting the ecstasy
Of being Me.



The journey of the soul

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