The Story of the Ordinary Man, a poem by Linda Joyce Cooper at

The story of the Ordinary Man

The Story of the Ordinary Man

written by: Linda Joyce Cooper


Have you heard the story of the ordinary man?
The one who one day was surrounded by a Magic Light.
His eyes became beaming red and bright
When the magic entered him

He became confused as the silent magic grew within him
There was only silence and no understanding
So he took to writing on the wall and drawing circles

Who are you and what are you, he asked the Magic Light
After a while, he heard a voice which said
I am the Magician, I have heard your call
And I am here to help you create the world that you have been calling out for.

The ordinary man listened with curiosity
I am keen to know your magic, the ordinary man said
Follow my instructions, the Magic light said, and you will come to know
So the ordinary man followed the Magic Light‘s instructions closely
Until the magic was present within him, eventually he understood.

Others came to know of the Ordinary man with the Magic light
And flocked to his home
You must learn the magic, he said to those who came
So he started a school and many came

There were some who were jealous of his magic
And created many situations to frighten the ordinary man and his followers
Time went by and the school grew and passed through many obstacles
Many good souls came along to learn and teach

As the years passed the ordinary man grew old
And eventually passed on to a world of light to help from up above
His magic stayed within the group and they had a good connection with the Magic light
They continued to teach all over the world and many met the Magic light

They grew strong as they moved along
With different beliefs and lifestyles
They shone with light as they followed the Magic light.

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