The Witch's Ball, poetry by Andrea Walker at

The Witch’s Ball

The Witch’s Ball

written by: Andrea Walker


She’d received an invite
To the local witch’s ball
Written in blood red ink
Decreeing ‘Come one, come all’
Bring all your familiar’s
Wear your best black hat
But she was a witchy rebel
She wasn’t into that
So, she arrived on her motorbike
Not a traditional wooden broom
Brought her rat instead of a feline
Which confused the whole room
She was dressed all in orange
From her head to her toe
As all the witches stared in shock
She shouted, “Way to go!”
Her hat wasn’t so pointy
For it was more kind of round
And her dress skimmed her thighs
Didn’t trail in rags to the ground
Her nails though long and talon like
Were painted a lurid lime green
The assembled witches were aghast
The likes of which they’d never seen
She danced along to their music
Threw her arms and legs wide
As they shuffled around mumbling
Their disdain they couldn’t hide
At the stroke of midnight
They asked her to cast a spell
It was here she began to struggle
They saw it and could tell
Are you a novice?
A mere trainee witch?
They asked her with consternation
And noticed her start to twitch
“Well, Erm and Ahh”
Was all that she could repeat
As she turned a shade of newt blood red
And squirmed markedly in her seat
“Answer us child!”
The witches started to demand
As brooms at the ready
They grabbed her by both hands
“Just who are you really?”
“Shall we burn you at the stake”
“Or dunk you in deep water”
“Come on ladies, it’s off to the lake!”
She turned as green as her nails
Looked ready to actually vomit
Said “I received an invite to the ball”
“With all the details on it”
“I was confused for sure”
“A Halloween joke by a friend?”
“Curiosity got the better of me”
“So, I decided to attend”
The witches looked angrily over
To the secretary of the coven
Who shrugged her shoulders guiltily
Replied “Well my eyesight is rotten”
“What number do you live at?”
The head witch said, “Pray tell?”
They all gasped in unison
To her answer said, “Oh hell!”
“I think there’s been a mix up”
The head witch quietly said
“Due to Mabel’s incompetence”
“It’s been sent to the wrong address”
“The invite you see”
“Wasn’t really meant for you”
“It was designated for Aggie Tingle”
“Who resides at number forty-two”
“But seeing as you’re here”
“You may as well enjoy the night”
“Aggie will be fuming”
“But we’ll make that part right”
So, she stayed for the duration
Partook of some ‘Soup of bat’s wing’
As Mabel was commanded
An irate Aggie to ring
Too soon it was all over
It had actually been a real hoot
At the finish they’d warmed to her
So invited her to recruit
She had just one condition though
Because black just wasn’t her bag
They agreed she’d wear her orange
And they’d try not to nag
So, come here any night in October
You might just by chance espy
A witch on an ‘L’ Plate broomstick
Flying haphazardly across the sky

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