Xmas Prayerse, haiku by Robyn MacKinnon at Spillwords.com

Xmas Prayers

written by: Robyn MacKinnon



xmas commercials

Every time I see a box

Prayers for endurance



Illustration description: A shadowy image, brightening toward the centre to highlight a pair of spiraling eyes on the face of a flat, red square. The left vertical 1/4th of the image seems to be bright green under the darkness, with the remaining 3/4ths seeming to be red, though quickly taken over by a shadow. Metallic, cookie cutter snowflakes scatter about in the dark. The words of the haiku appear in a thought balloon with a pale yellow glow emanating from the red box, the words themselves in red Comic Sans font.

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This publication is part 374 of 394 in the series Robyn Finds Poetry