written by: Aurora Kastanias
I think I lost my colours, on an island
Amidst emerald mountains, where once
Reigned wolves, hunted and extinct
Now ruled, by ever-smiling drunks, chasing
Wild boars whilst battling against themselves.
A profusion of orange groves, blankets
Elegantly lavish lands effusing
Inebriating scents intoxicating the atmosphere,
An oneiric nowhere-never-wonderland
Where time has stopped and glory survives
Solely in the past, perhaps stranded on its train,
Its voice that of the roaring steam engines
Obsolete just as the memory
Of what once was and never will be.
The town is a town of ‘had beens’
Oblivious to a future no one dares to talk about,
Imagine, nor create. Since my arrival I confess
I have never heard a plan. Nor a dream.
And as I read about jellyfish migration I
Fall deeper into the waves of their vibrations,
I absorb the islanders’ emotional ailments
Feel my energy leisurely abandon my body
To save them, envelop them with the feeling
They are loved, by me, the universe and all
That is in a constant present, humanly
Infinitely, perpetually, and eternally.
- Agnolalliv - February 12, 2025
- Come Back To Me - November 12, 2024
- Do Not Apologise - August 5, 2024