And Autumn Hitherto Lingers For Our Meeting
written by: Sneha Subramanian Kanta
Then autumn refigured in happier breaths distill’d,
In vial passages summer hath once kiss’d,
The season’s gentle treasure of leaves fill’d,
And hath not left lands with bare winter caress’d:
‘gainst roots that ‘neath the soil grow;
The autumn wind utter’d to mine frame:
The riper crops doth bred everywhere but slow,
For without thee ’tis not the same.
Whilst my poor lips thy touch await,
The golden boughs partially still remain,
Since the harvest hath not yet set a date;
The hours must this inward vacancy drain.
For in thee my life, my breath, every dream,
Doth shine brighter than e’en the sun’s gold beam.
Latest posts by Sneha Subramanian Kanta (see all)
- City Night - July 8, 2017
- Tinctures Of Gray - June 21, 2017
- And Autumn Hitherto Lingers For Our Meeting - October 10, 2016