Kelly Jeanne lives in San Diego with her almost one year old tabby cat by the name of Luna de Miel ('Honeymoon' in Spanish). 63 and on Disability due to Aspergers, along with a myriad of mental health issues, she is writing her memoir, which may very well turn into three books. Because of the dark nature of her memoir she writes flash fiction to keep from going completely insane. Even though she has no notable credentials, she's happy to say that she discovered her literary 'voice' and 'style' when she was a young teenager. Most of her flash fiction pieces are filled with satire, parody and tongue-in-cheek humor - sometimes with just a touch of distopia for good measure. To relax in the evenings she enjoys coloring in her Adult Coloring Books. When people tell her she shouldn't let others rent space inside her head, her response: "Hey! I need the money!"