Vandana Sudheesh, a poet with a diverse voice was born in Kozhikode district in the southern Indian state of Kerala. She was conferred with the WORLD AWARD “CESAR VALLEJO 2020” for EXCELLENCE IN LITERARY FIELD by UHE (Union Hispanomundial De Escritores) in Spanish. Also she was awarded the WORLD PRIZE POETRY AWARD (1st place from ASIAN CONTINENT) for a posthumous tribute to the great poet Kairat Duessinov Parman, founding President of WNWU (World Nations Writers Union). She is a moderator of Motivational Strips, World’s Active Writers Forum. She is a listed member of the World Nation Writers Union (WNWU) and WORLD YOUTH MANAGER of UHE. She published her first solo book "The Humble Wrath" in August 2020. After completing MBA she worked for Axis Bank Limited in India and later went to Early Retirement. To date, her poems have been written in four collections of poetry named Poets Unify World, A Gift-III. Her poems are being published in the Bangladeshi Newspaper and e-magazines like Bharath Vision, Indian Periodicals, Cultural Reverence.