Dance, a poem by Larry Vernier Sr at
Ralph Nas



written by: Larry Vernier Sr


With a troubled past history of cheating and lies.
I can barely hold my head up and look at your eyes.
I developed a mindset that trust was a myth.
Everyone cheats and they lie about who they’re with.
So I met someone special.
My heart skipped and leapt.
I fell in love quickly.
My soul clearly wept.
But I took my experience of heartache and pain.
And labeled her with it.
Figuring she would do just the same.
So I shamed and berated her out of jealousy and fear.
For she had done nothing but bring me love and good cheer.
I now stay on my knees begging for a chance.
To prove I am different. And beg her for one last dance.

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