Dandelion Girl, a short story by RC Larlham at Spillwords.com
Sara Ruiz

Dandelion Girl

Dandelion Girl

written by: RC Larlham



“Here’s another dandelion for your bouquet little girl. Is it for your Mommy?”
“My Mommy seeping.” She takes the proffered flower and carefully puts it with the others in her left hand.
“I know where there are lots and lots of dandelions. We could make a really, really, big bouquet for her. Wouldn’t you like that?”
“You have to go away. Mommy said!”
“Let’s go ask her. You can give her your bouquet.” Stepping forward—reaching. . .
“No!” She slides aside. There is an odd flicker when she moves.
“Go away! Mommy said!”
There is a soft ‘pfoomp’ and an odd flicker—only the little girl remains.


“You can’t be out here alone.”
“You have to go away. Mommy said!” The man in the blue uniform stands his ground.
“Mommy said!” She stands and faces him, hands on hips. Dandelion stems crush in her left hand. “You can’t touch me.”
The officer finds himself backing away. “Which house do you live in?”
“You can’t be here.”

He’s back on the street. He hasn’t moved. “How did I get. . .?” Looks around. . . takes a dozen steps. Standing by the cruiser now, he feels oddly safer. “Wait ‘til I tell this story,” he thinks, reaching for the radio on his shoulder.
Behind him, “You can’t be here. Mommy said!”


“Sarge? This is Santos. Found the cruiser.”
“Where’s McLeod?”
“Gone. We searched all the houses.“
“You can’t be here. Mommy said!”

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