Haunted Holidays series at Spillwords.com

Haunted Holidays Submission

Fill out the form below to submit your literary work for consideration to be published as part of a limited series called Haunted Holidays

The series will commence on December 1st, highlighting one feature every day.

All literary pieces should embrace the dark side of the winter holiday season, and all that’s lurking in the shadows of Christmas merriment. Their themes should be haunted by Krampus, Grýla & Leppalúði, The Yule Lads, The Yule Cat, Belsnickel, Frau Perchta, Hans Trapp, Christmas ghosts, or evil Christmas gnomes.

We look forward to your DARK holiday submissions!

Please make sure that the submission is theme specific. NO HALLOWEEN or MERRY CHRISTMAS submissions. For all other themes please use our standard submission form or Christmas submission form. Submissions due date is 11/04/24. Maximum 1 submission per writer.


    Your Name or Alias*

    Your Email*

    Title of Your Work*

    Tag Your Work with Category/s (haiku, poem, etc) *

    Brief Description of Your Work (what it is about) *

    Social Media Links (to promote your work) note: if you don't want to be tagged please use N/A*

    Has this work been previously published? †*

    Are you a published writer of Spillwords.com?*

    Body of Your Work (without title/no multiple literary works) *

    Short Bio 200-900 characters (if submitting for the first time)

    Additional Comments/Note from Author

    Your Author Profile Photo or Art (if submitting for the first time)

    Your Original Art as Featured Image to Your Work (if desired) note: min jpeg|png size 1500x900px (ideal 1700x900px) max 10mb

    * required fields
    † unpublished material will be prioritized
    ‡ submission form strips all formatting, the ‘Additional Comments/Note from Author’ field may be used to specify any special formatting requirements, as italics, bold, etc.

    In the event a technical issue persists, please feel free to send your submission via email to editor@spillwords.com. Ensure that you include all the necessary fields from the submission form in the body of the email.

    We highly recommend using Safari or Microsoft Edge browsers when submitting.
    If encountering an error (prolonged looping action) please clear your cache (browsing history) and try to use one of the above browsers to submit.
    If encountering a ‘Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser’ error please press ‘Submit’ button again.


    If your submission is approved you will receive a confirmation email that will provide a publishing date and a link that you can place on your blog or website to promote your published work on Spillwords.com (Linking to us is not required but optional and much appreciated)

    Please add our email address – editor@spillwords.com to your Address Book/Safe Senders List to ensure proper communication delivery