Imposter Syndrome, haiku by Robyn MacKinnon at

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

written by: Robyn MacKinnon



I cannot say why

Trying to find a job is

imposter syndrome



Illustration description: A crush of collage pieces, dominated by the mismatched letters forming the lines of the haiku. On the left hand side, behind the word “imposter”, a figure in a black button-up shirt over a white undershirt holds a telephone in each hand, the one in the right hand held up to what would be their ear, if not for the fact that their head is the planet Jupiter. White line art of hands with phones as well as a serving tray with a martini on it, decorate this clipping, over a blurred background of amber light and dark shadow. (This clipping was part of a promotional image for the production “Fully Committed” by Becky Mode, featuring Breton Lalama). The planet Jupiter was clipped from the November/December 2001 issues of SkyNews magazine.) Bottom centre in the image, between the words “imposter” and “syndrome”, a figure in a blue work shirt, visible from mid-chest up, pulls up their sleeve and flexes their right arm sidelong toward the viewer, in the style of Rosie The Riveter. The head pasted on this one is disproportionately small, and perched upon by a seagull. They appear to be a masculine head, with brown hair in a tidy haircut and close-trimmed beard. They stare out at the viewer with an expression that is at once bewildered and focussed, and the square of space behind them is literally that – space, in nebulous hues of gold, violet, and blue, filled with stars. (The lower body of this figure is that of realtor Rosie Porter, with an image of Vincenzo Ravina of the show “Magic From the Twilight Lodge” in place of the head. Both of these were also clipped from the 2021 Fringe Festival program). On the right-hand side, beneath the word “syndrome”, a greyscale image of someone in a work shirt at a computer in a busy looking room. The head pasted on their shoulders, a black and white image accented in red, wears a batman cowl. The square of space behind it contains a black sky with cartoon stars, split horizontally by a swath of crimson, over which flies a colony of bats. (The black and white image was clipped from a piece of Hal-Con 2019 paraphernalia, and the batman head from the program for the production “Knight of the Bat”, by Dan Bray, presented by The Villains Theatre featuring Ira Henderson as Batman.) What is visible of the paper behind the collage appears to be populated by chaotic scribbles with a worn-out black marker.

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This publication is part 342 of 426 in the series Robyn Finds Poetry